- Today we officially donated our money from our Fall Festival bake sale to the Lamb Center. The Lamb Center is a homeless shelter that has everything that you can think of, including an address for people to apply for jobs, photo IDs, showers, dentist office, meals, and more!
Trinity Nickisch
November 23, 2018
Hello, all! The 2018 4-H Fair will be the weekend of August 4th and 5th. Our club members have entered into various elements of the fair, and it will be a fun weekend full of farm activities, fair food, and good people. We hope that you can make it!
Trinity Nickisch
July 27, 2018
We’ve teamed up with some other clubs in the area to celebrate Independence Day.
Trinity Nickisch
July 4, 2018
We decided to have a fun dinner to celebrate our fruitful fall harvest, using
Trinity Nickisch
October 29, 2017
What a rainy day! But we persevered, offering goodies that we made to support the Fairfax County Animal Shelter. We did not sell the desserts for a fixed price but offered them to the people who came by in return for a donation. At the end of the day we had some desserts left over and we gave them away. The people who took the free food still gave very generously to our cause.
Trinity Nickisch
October 8, 2016
Our club entered many competitions at this year’s Fairfax County 4-H Fair. Our trifold was even selected as a trophy/champion winner!
Here is our scrapbook. We’re very proud of our work.
Several of the club’s members also entered contests for their individual works and won prizes in categories such as writing, photography, art, and woodworking.